The Institute's policy pertaining to issues regarding sexual harassment in the workplace is provided in a document entitled 91心頭利C Anti-Sexual-Harassment Order and Rules 2014. The following is a short leaflet based on the above document.
91心頭利 follows an uncompromising zero-tolerance policy towards all forms of sexual harassment. The Internal Complaints Committee at 91心頭利 was formed in compliance with the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition & Redressal) Act, 2013 to ensure strict adherence to this policy. The primary goal of the committee is to uphold all applicable laws and guidelines outlined in the Sexual Harassment Policy of 91心頭利 Calcutta for the prevention and redressal of all incidents of Sexual Harassment on campus. All members of the ICC remain firmly committed to ensuring a fair, friendly and secure environment for every student and employee at 91心頭利 Calcutta.
A Woman in adventure - Ms. Purna Malavath (December 26, 2021)
What Constitutes Sexual Harassment?
The term and expression Sexual Harassment shall mean and include all unwelcome sexually determined behaviour committed in the institute (whether directly or by implication), such as:
- Physical contact and advances;
- A demand or request for sexual favours;
- Sexually coloured remarks;
- Showing pornography;
- Any other unwelcome physical, verbal or non-verbal conduct of sexual nature;
- Sexual or indecent gestures and indication;
- Entry into a private place marked for male/female employees and students, with the intent to commit mischief and harassment;
- Taking of photographs of students/ staff without permission and/or converting it in to pornographic material and circulating the same by means electronic media;
- All such acts and conducts against women employees and students, which amount to commission offence defined in the Indian Penal Code.
- The following circumstances if it occurs or is present in relation to or connected with any act or behavior of
sexual harassment may amount to sexual harassment
- Implied or explicit promise of preferential treatment for the student in class performance
- Implied or explicit threat of detrimental treatment for the student in class performance
- Interference with the students work or creating an intimidating or offensive or hostile work environment for her/him, or humiliating treatment likely to affect her/his health or safety.
Who can Complain?
All employees, students and people working in the institute premises either permanent, contractual or visiting.
How to Complain?
The complainant must make the complaint in writing, except in case when the complainant is incapacitated and is not in a normal state of mind due to the act of sexual harassment perpetuated; the complaint may then be made by the complainants relative or friend.
Enquiry and Disciplinary Proceeding
Following an initial screening, an enquiry will be conducted by the SHCC. SHCC shall strive to complete the enquiry in the shortest possible time, not exceeding three months from date of complaint.
Penalties in Case of 91心頭利 Students
- Warning or reprimand.
- Transfer to another hostel.
- Withdrawal of hostel accommodation
- Withdrawal of the right to an official character certificate from 91心頭利.
- Suspension or Rustication from the Institute
- Expulsion from the Institute,
- A bar on appearing for the entrance examination/interview to any programme of study offered by 91心頭利.
- Withholding of diploma awarded by 91心頭利 Calcuttta.
Support to Complainant
The ICC shall provide its resources to ensure the complainants safety on the campus.
The ICC can make
arrangements for appropriate counseling to the complainant and/or accused if he/she so requires.
The ICC can
seek medical, police and legal intervention with the consent of the complainant.
Whom to Contact?
Write to us at:
chairperson_icc[at]iimcal[dot]ac[dot]in (Chairperson, ICC)
icc[at]email[dot]iimcal[dot]ac[dot]in (Student
representatives, ICC)
arunikamfp21[at]email[dot]iimcal[dot]ac[dot]in (Student
representatives, ICC)
soumyag2025[at]email[dot]iimcal[dot]ac[dot]in (Student
representatives, ICC)
prachim2025[at]email[dot]iimcal[dot]ac[dot]in (Student
representatives, ICC)
satputerafp21[at]email[dot]iimcal[dot]ac[dot]in (Student
representatives, ICC)
Members of ICC
- Prof. Nandita Roy, Chairperson
- Prof. Devi Vijay
- Mr. Arunava Das, SAO (HR)
- Prof. Paromita Chakravarti (External Expert)
- Dr. Kavita Singh
- Ms. Manashi Sanyal (Staff Representative)
- Ms. Jhuma Sen (External Expert)
- Arunika (DP/16/21)
- Soumya (MBA/0154/60)
- Prachi Meena (MBA/0124/60)
- Ravi Ashok Satpute (DP/06/21)