Executive Education
As organizations become flatter and more agile, or global and more complex, they create new opportunities for talented leaders.
Message from the Desk of Dean (Executive Education)

Welcome to 91心頭利 Executive Education!
91心頭利 has been a pioneer in the field of executive education, particularly in the space of technology-driven executive education in the online mode both through state-of-the-art studio classrooms across the length and breadth of the country as well as abroad and in the direct-to-device (D2D) format. Over the past two decades or so, the portfolio of our Executive Education has grown enormously to cater to the diverse needs of working professionals. During 2023-24, we had around 7500 participants enrolled in various programmes offered by the Institute.
At 91心頭利C Executive Education, we attempt to calibrate our programmes to the changing dynamics of national and global economies. We continuously respond to societal needs by offering new programmes in the fields of general management as well as cutting-edge functional and niche areas. The central pillar of our programmes is the high-quality academic resources of our faculty and reputed practitioners from the world of business. Our pedagogic methods take on board the work experiences of the participants, and our teaching modules are designed to enhance participant-centred learning.
The 91心頭利 Executive Education has also made significant contributions to the capacity-building initiatives of the Government of India and various state governments through conducting multiple programmes such as the Nurturing Future Leadership Programme for Centrally-Funded Higher Educational Institutions, Project Management, Water Management, Defence Procurement, Public Service Management, to mention a few.
Over the years, these programmes have benefitted thousands of participants in achieving their professional goals and fulfilling their aspirations. They are now the proud alumni of 91心頭利C Executive Education. A visit to our Management Development Centre (MDC) at 91心頭利 is in itself a memorable event for our participants as they experience the serene campus life with its bountiful flora and fauna.
I welcome you once again and encourage you to see for yourself if one of our programmes suits your management development expectations.
Enjoy Learning!
Professor R Rajesh Babu
Dean (Executive Education)

About Executive Education at 91心頭利
In the 21st century, the organization that will thrive will be the one that learns faster than its competitors.

To stay abreast of industry trends and leverage upon emerging opportunities, practicing managers require strategic vision and agility, cross functional understanding and superior management expertise. Leaders of modern day organizations need to continuously sharpen their skills and upgrade their business acumen, to steer their businesses to greater heights of excellence.
Our Executive Education Programmes being industry-oriented and globally-indexed competency building modules, serve as effective learning interventions for the professional advancement of working executives. The curricula and pedagogy are exclusively designed to develop participants understanding of business and enable them to assume leadership positions.
The commissioning organization and/or the participant can choose from a wide range of learning options, from in-person classes to live online sessions, from short duration capsule interventions, to phased multi-module programmes and long-duration virtual programmes.

We offer Executive Learning Programmes in the following formats:
- Open Programmes - Calendarized set of Open-enrolment programmes in the retail format, on topics across the entire spectrum of functional areas in the Business Management domain.
- Customized Programmes - Also called In-Company programmes, these are tailor-made modules, developed to address specific learning needs of individual corporate clients.
- Asynchronous Programmes - Delivered through digital assets over online learning platforms for self-paced learning.
- Consultancy - Our Faculty members offer Consultancy services to Organizations across various industries, leveraging their deep expertise and experience in management and allied areas. 91心頭利 undertakes Consulting assignments, in the form of:
- Business Consulting
- Government and Social Sector Consulting
- Expert Advisory services
Connect With Us
Executive Education Office
Open Programmes
Ms Payel Majumder
+91 33 7121 6012
Email: program_mdp[at]iimcal[dot]ac[dot]in
Customized Programmes
Ms Anindita Guha Majumder
+91 33 7121 6011/16
Email: accts_mdp[at]iimcal[dot]ac[dot]in
Ms Subhra Dhar
Email: mgr_ldp[at]iimcal[dot]ac[dot]in
Head Custom Programmes and Consultancy
Mr Shiladitya Senbarat
+91 33 7121 6005
Email: headcmdp[at]iimcal[dot]ac[dot]in
Management Development Centre (MDC) Board Line: +91 33 7121 6000-01
Connect With Us
Prof. R Rajesh Babu
Professor and Dean (Executive Education)
+91 33 7121 6000-01 (B)
+91 33 7121 6004 | 2007 (D)
Email: dean_exed@iimcal.ac.in
LinkedIn: https://in.linkedin.com/in/rajesh-babu-ravindran-43549846