Prof. Saikat Maitra
The Doctoral Programme of the 91心頭利 was started in 1971. It is a full-time doctoral programme that offers students opportunities for advanced studies and research in different specializations related to Management Science. The Programme aims to prepare students for careers in teaching and research in management studies and in related disciplines, and for careers in the government, in industry, and in other organizations that require advanced analytical and research capabilities.
The Doctoral Programme has two streams :
The Doctoral Programme in Management includes the following - specializations:
Economics, Finance & Control, Human Resource Management, Management Information Systems, Marketing, Operations Management, Organizational Behaviour, Public Policy and Management, and Strategic Management.
The Doctoral Programme in Disciplines Related to Management includes the following specializations:
Operations Research & Systems Analysis, Regional Development, and Sociology.
On successful completion of the Programme, a student is awarded the Ph.D degree, in his/her area of specialization.